Murat Burhanoğlu : Order of the House
at the exact moment of action,
when a foot is positioned at full arm’s length,
when a jaw sinks into the earth with that
precise tilt at the edge of the water,
when a calf stamps the ground with all its bulk,
a zone of indistinguishability appears.
a body in the present,
and the constant action of ancestors,
overlap in a form that has been pierced for
in the unity of movement.
with this very action settled in the projection,
the distance of where to be in relation to the
other is drawn.
on top of each other,
one under the other,
side by side,
in each other’s arms,
are all synonymous with survival.
fire is built by borrowing life from the other.
a dog leans to our left,
a snake coils up to our right.
Artworks Part of this Exhibition

Murat Burhanoğlu
Not herself, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 50 cm
Artwork ID: 1309

Murat Burhanoğlu
Temple of Disguise, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 140 cm
Artwork ID: 1301

Murat Burhanoğlu
Not himself, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 50 cm
Artwork ID: 1310

Murat Burhanoğlu
Sunday, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
140 x 100 cm
Artwork ID: 1303

Murat Burhanoğlu
Dragon, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
90 x 40 cm
Artwork ID: 1306

Murat Burhanoğlu
Disguise, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 70 cm
Artwork ID: 1304

Murat Burhanoğlu
By the river, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 70 cm
Artwork ID: 1300

Murat Burhanoğlu
The Eggs, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 70 cm
Artwork ID: 1305

Murat Burhanoğlu
Feast Taurus, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 70 cm
Artwork ID: 1302

Murat Burhanoğlu
The Sea Itself, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
70 x 200 cm
Artwork ID: 1312

Murat Burhanoğlu
A Very Ancient Cult, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
100 x 150 cm
Artwork ID: 1308

Murat Burhanoğlu
KEY, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
70 x 50 cm
Artwork ID: 1316

Murat Burhanoğlu
CULT, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
70 x 50 cm
Artwork ID: 1314

Murat Burhanoğlu
BITTEN, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
70 x 50 cm
Artwork ID: 1315

Murat Burhanoğlu
TIES, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
70 x 50 cm
Artwork ID: 1311

Murat Burhanoğlu
BIRTH, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
70 x 50 cm
Artwork ID: 1307

Murat Burhanoğlu
HIDDEN, 2023
Acrylic on canvas
70 x 50 cm
Artwork ID: 1313
Murat Burhanoğlu
Murat Burhanoğlu (Istanbul, 1987) completed his undergraduate education at Koç University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering in 2009. He has worked on painting and sculpture in different artist workshops since 1998. In 2015, the artist started working in his own workshop. In 2019, his first exhibition titled Black Sun opened at Akaretler Artweeks, under the roof of Ambidexter.